Moshe's Duties and Yitro's Advice – Forum

Note: The contents of the Moshe's Duties and Yitro's Advice pages have been modified to reflect the helpful input from this Forum.

Comment by Ayelet Rabinowitz, 16 Shevat, 5772, 6:49 AM (JST):

My son Moshe and I were learning the Moshe’s Duties and Yitro’s Advice section, and we were wondering if Shadal should be grouped with RYBS as mefarshim that claim the advice only dealt with Moshe’s judicial role.

Doesn’t Shadal describe a broader role that Moshe will need to retain in: את החוקים ואת התורות; את הדרך; האת המעשה וגו': כל השייך להנהגת העם בציבור וביחיד, כל זה תאמר להם דרך מצווה לדורות, קודם שיבוא מעשה לידך?

Comment by Hillel Novetsky, 16 Shevat, 5772, 8:30 AM (JST):

Thanks for your message.

You're correct on Shadal that this is broader. We need to note this and recategorize him.

Thank you.
